What's the book about?

We make personalised books where you can upload a photo and be in the book.

What's the best photo to use? 

A high quality image facing front works the best, refer to our photo guide for best results, we will review the photo and let you know if isn't suitable.

Will my image be altered? 

Your image will be edited to better suit the artwork it is going to place into this can include skin re-touching, shadowing, contrast and/or slight colour alterations.

Can I see a preview?

You can see some of the designs of the book in the product pages.

Is it free delivery?

Yes, packaging and delivery is free to anywhere in the UK.

How long will it take to be delivered?

We use Royal Mail which normally takes 2-3 working days to be delivered.

How do I pay?

We accept all major credit/debit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Switch/Maestro and Solo as well as Apple Pay and PayPal. 

Can I amend my order?

If for any reason your order is incorrect, or you wish to change something, please notify us within 1 day of placing the order. 

Can I return my item?

Unfortunately we are unable to accept returns or offer refunds due to the product being personalised.

However if your item is lost in the post or arrives damaged, please contact us.

We can not accept responsibility for any spelling errors, incorrect names or poor quality photo prints. 

Where is my order?

If your order has not arrived by the estimated delivery date, please contact us, we're here to help.

If you cannot find an answer to your question above:

Email us at: hello@beinthebook.com